How ist all began....

"„Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.“ James 1; 27 (NIV)
Over the last years the number of orphans and widows have increased enormously in Uganda. This was caused by the brutal regime of Idi Amin and Milton Obote as well as the spreading of AIDS on the whole of the African continent. Uganda was thus very badly hit.
When I first encountered all this distress in 2001, I personally sensed a great love from God for those people with their very difficult life situations.
I believe, we are called to support these orphans with food and give them the possibility for schooling and professional training. When we do this with joy, love and mercy then we fulfill the desire of God according to James 1.
The work of Uganda Youth Ministries consists of care for the orphans in Ganda, a suburb of Kampala, Uganda. Various rooms/buildings are planned where the children will receive care and can go to school. We have also planned a place for their leisure time and possibly tennis. For this they need good nutrition. There are men and women from Ganda who are responsible for care and schooling.
These caretakers and teachers are members of the Christian congregation Grace Restoration Ministries International, with Pastor George and Rose Nsimbi. I am working directly with Pastor George Nsimbi. I have known him personally for over 10 years.
All donations for the orphans and employees are directly sent to Africa without any intermediaries. Together with friends and co-workers I will visit the project on a regular basis and report about it.
Fred Berli and team